News grabber – RSS News v4.0.0

RSS news grabber – RSS News v4.0.0

RSS news grabber - RSS News v4.0.0
A unique RSS news grabber script – RSS News v4.0.0. RSS News is a script that allows you to import news from different RSS sources and publish them into a database. Responsive design with Bootstrap 3, RTL support, user-friendly control panel, unlimited categories, unlimited RSS sources, unlimited pages, can import news from any type of feed (RSS or Atom), can import news manually and automatically, use Smarty Templates Engine for more flexibility when editing themes, can make money with three built-in spaces for Adsense, use LazyLoad on images to speed up page loading, Sitemaps (categories, news), Disqus comment integration, Open Graph for facebook and more.Download RSS news grabber script – RSS News v4.0.0 for free

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